Project Overview

Many people under probation supervision are in poor health, but do not access care until crisis point. Often, services do not meet their needs. To change this we need to know more about these individuals’ health and social care needs, what services they access, their experiences when accessing services, and which of their needs are met and unmet.

We can do this by:

a) Improving data collection – introducing a research-informed way of screening in probation to identify health and social care needs and measure if they have been met. This will provide an accurate picture of  needs, and where there may be gaps in service provision to meet them.

b) Developing quality indicators to measure and monitor health outcomes and the quality of the care that people under probation supervision receive. This will help to ensure that services are commissioned from an evidence-base, and probation staff can support access when needed.

Thus our objectives in this study are to:

  1. Improve the measurement, understanding and recording of the health and social care needs of people under probation supervision, and
  2. Develop quality indicators for the quality of the care that people on probation receive


The “Measuring and improving the health and quality of healthcare for people on probation: Developing data collection and quality indicators” study is funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under its Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) Programme (Grant Reference Number NIHR201091). If you would like to learn more about this study and its findings then please click the tabs above.